Politics, governance and management
Building more effective and inclusive institutions that can deliver development constitutes one of the most significant challenges faced by governments and communities in the Global South.
Our research on governance and management investigates the processes through which development institutions become both more effective and inclusive, across a range of key actors and organisations, including governmental and non-governmental institutions from the global through to the local.
In particular, this research theme addresses the following questions:
- Capacity: how do governments, organisations and the individuals within them develop the capabilities required to promote a more socially just world?
- Inclusion: how can institutions become more inclusive of and accountable to citizens and how can new technologies help this?
- Relationships/networks: How do power relations between different groups determine the ways in which institutions emerge and function in practice and how can productive and socially just relationships be enabled and built?
Identifying innovative forms of, and approaches to, governance and management constitutes an important and cross-cutting focus of our research.
Effective States and Inclusive Development
A DFID funded global partnership investigating the kinds of politics that promote development.
Second Cold War Observatory
The Second Cold War Observatory seek to understand China-US competition and how it shapes societies, politics, economies, and ecologies globally.
Re-imagining the INGO and the role of global civil society
The Ringo Project is a systems change initiative that seeks to transform global civil society to respond to today’s challenges.
This project looks at globalized governance norms and local business practices.
Understanding the priority lifelong educational needs of the International Development Sector
This project aims to understand the educational and learning solutions that could be provided to assist in addressing challenges in the development space.
Investigating 'pockets of effectiveness' in developing countries
An ESRC project into a new route to building state capacity for development.
Our teaching agenda
- Organisational Change and Development MSc
- Global Development with Politics, Governance and Development Policy MSc
- International Development: Public Policy and Management MSc
- Global Development with Development Management MSc
- Management and Implementation of Development Projects MSc
- Human Resource Development (International Development) MSc
- Human Resource Management (International Development) MSc
- Research Methods with International Development MSc
- Leadership for Development Master's (Distance Learning)
- Development Policy and Management PhD
People and publications
Click on the names below to read their latest publications or read the latest publications from the Global Development Institute.
- Mr Paul Barry - Honorary Teaching Fellow
- Dr Pritish Behuria - Senior Lecturer in Politics, Governance and Development
- Dr Clare Cummings - Lecturer in Politics and Development
- Dr Kelechi Ekuma - Lecturer, Governance and Development Leadership
- Dr Lujia Feng - Lecturer in Human Resource Management
- Dr Elisa Gambino - Lecturer in Global Development (Global Political Economy)
- Dr Ping Gao - Senior Lecturer, Information Systems
- Prof Samuel Hickey - Professor, Politics and Development
- Dr Farhad Hossain - Reader
- Prof David Hulme - Professor, Development Studies
- Dr Mohammed Ibrahim - Lecturer in HRM and International Development
- Prof Tim Jacoby - Professor
- Dr Shirley Jenner - Senior Lecturer, Human Resource Management
- Dr Tom Lavers - Senior Lecturer, Politics, Governance and Management
- Prof Aminu Mamman - Professor, Management and International Development
- Prof Diana Mitlin - Professor, Global Urbanism, Director of Global Urban Research Centre
- Dr Nafisatu Irene Okhade - Lecturer in HRM and International Development
- Dr Chris Rees - Reader, Human Resources and Organisational Change
- Dr Dereje Regasa - Lecturer in HRM and International Development
- Prof Kunal Sen - Professor, Development Economics & Policy
- Dr Kate Rowlands - Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management
- Dr Rory Stanton - Lecturer, Human Resource Development
- Dr Erla Thrandardottir - Lecturer in Global Development
- Bethany Coleman
- Kubra Mertek - Post-cold war humanitarianism and discursive construction of ‘neutrality’: The case study of the ICRC in Syrian Civil War
- Samuel Stratford - Understanding how political settlements shape the decision-making processes behind the planning and construction of dams: lessons from Ethiopia and Uganda.
- Katia Schlipfenbacher - Human Resource Development with the support of ICTs in Brazil
- Ning Kang - Reassessing Training in Career development: Perspective of Chinese State-owned Enterprises
- Yuan Fang - Talent Management in the 21st Century China: A Comparison between Foreign Companies in China and Chinese Domestic Companies
- Hana Alsultan
- Yuttachai Inpa - Autonomous Public Organization in Thailand: Exploration of its Effectiveness
- Bridgit Kabah - Adopting the Operational Mechanisms of Western NGOs into the Ghanaian Context for Sustainable National Institutional Development: the Case of Fundraising, Accountability and Collaborations
- Daniel Diaz Vera - Development and operation of Chilean NGOs in a hegemonic neo-liberal context
- Duaa Alshareef - Developing the management of kindergarten Institutions in the light of Strategic Management Approach in k.S.A
- Emrah Atar - Impact Of Syrian Refugee Crises On Public Service Provision: Perspectives From Urban-local Governance In Turkey.
- Kunkanit Sutamchai - Mindfulness at Work as an HRD Intervention to Enhance Employee Well-being
- Mohammad Hasan - Public Sector capacity development and innovation in crisis management with focus to Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.
- Rukaiyatu Jungudo - Development of a strategy for reintegrating internally displaced pupils into mainstream schools: a case study of North-eastern and South-south regions of Nigeria.
- Othman Usman
- Ibrahim Al Oqail
- Edward Ampratwum - The politics shaping the implementation of the Livelihood Empowerment against Poverty (LEAP) program in Ghana
- Caroline Cornier - Cocoa Sovreignty? The Postcolonial Political Economy of Primary Commodity Dependence and Financial Subordination
- Hamid Khalafallah - Political Transitions in Africa: The Quest for Inclusive Governance and Development, and the Role of Non-violent Resistance Movements in Sudan
- Luis Oyarzun Ibarra - The Impact of Governmental Economic Aid to Co-Operatives as an SDGs Implementation Policy via Private Consulting Firms: A Study of Organisational Change and Development Management in Chile
- Jiaqi Chen - Mechanisms of Influencing the Work Values of Generation Z Employees on Organisational Citizenship Behaviour - The Role of Psychological Empowerment"
- Beidi Wu - Evaluation of the Impact of Organisational Culture on Job Satisfaction in SMEs in China
- Alanoud Alqasem - How the Western Media Reports the Evolution of Women's Rights in Saudia Arabia