A Framework for Assessing Privacy Readiness of e-Government
Kristof Kessler, Nils Hettich, Chadley Parsons, Craig Richardson, Anny Triana
While rapid growth of information and communication technology in government can facilitate improved service provision, it can also pose a privacy threat. Privacy is thus a key concern in the establishment – and the success or failure – of e-government systems. Yet research into privacy requirements related to e-government has not so far yielded an appropriate analytical framework. Consequently, the purpose of this paper is to develop such a framework.
The proposed framework incorporates the five maturity stages of e-government and their specific privacy requirements from a Policy, Technology and Citizen requirements perspective. Its utilization and implications are then outlined by analysing and comparing two case examples; one from Germany, one from Kenya. Researchers and practitioners can use the proposed framework to identify major privacy-related issues in citizen-facing e-government systems and to develop appropriate recommendations for action.
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Educator's guide
Synopsis questions
- Explain the interconnection between e-government and privacy. [Part A].
- Summarise the purpose and dimensions of the framework for assessing privacy readiness of e-government and how the dimensions contribute to fulfilling the framework's purpose. [Part B].
- Summarise the application of the framework to the case examples and what implications can be derived for the cases in particular. [Part C].
- How does the framework relate to the work of academics and practitioners at the intersection of privacy and e-government? [Part D]
Development questions
- Is there an absolute measure for privacy attainment in e-government? Which role could cultural and personal aspects play?
- Is the selection of case examples justified? Elaborate on which case characteristics could strengthen or weaken the arguments made, respectively.
- Which critical aspects of privacy readiness in e-government are not addressed by the framework and why? Which currently-addressed aspects can be considered non-critical and why?
- Are there other applications of the framework beyond privacy readiness? If so, which areas could the framework cover; why and how?